To be honest, sometimes it’s hard do explain to my parents what I do to live. Can you figure how hard it is to explain to your client? So there’s some arguments to change the client mindset, let’s try from beggining.

What’s is UX?

User experience (UX) isn’t a picture, layout or wireframe… the experience just happens all the time. Basically is the user experience doing something, like going in a restaurant (book a table, waiting for the meal, tasting the food and paying).

The mission of a UX Designer is simply help the user to solve a problem, help him to finish his objective with your product in a better possible way (easily).

Amazon’s case

Greg Linden studies show that the performance really matters in a website, like  every 100ms delay in page load costs 1% of sales. So doesn’t matter if your page is beautiful if you don’t improve the performance.

Other point is the checkout form, in Amazon was detected that the users had some troubles to complete the registration process to checkout. So the solution was extremely simple, they cut off the registration. That improvment increased the sales in 45% giving US$300 millions to Amazon.

For final argument I can talk about the one click to buy button. That’s feature bring the facility to the user’s life, just ith a click you can buy anything reducing the time to spended in a page, working with the users anxiety. And this digital solution was so incridible, that now you can use a physical button. The thing is, you can put a Tide button in your wash machine and when the soap goes away, you simply click to buy more.


To conclude you can bring these three points of the Amazon’s case to make the paper of a UX Designer more tangible for your clients, co workers or just to explain to your parents.

