Why should I learn to code?
Along my career sometimes I’ve faced a common problem: “Why is this website different from the proposal I’ve sent?”. Indeed the reason is simpler than I taught: “Because the devs aren’t designers”.
When we study UX (user experience) essencially we’re studying how to develop empathy to others, and in this case we should think the same. If we want a perfect pixel layout we must know the limitations of the platfform and browsers that we’re working on. We also should be concearned about the people who’re developing our project. I mean, the priority for any developer is to keep everything working without glitches, in other words focus on code.
And that my friends were my starting point to learn HTML and CSS. It’s not a simple task, sometimes it’s a very complex and frustrating work, but all effort is worth it. The point is you don’t need to be an expert (because you’re a designer) but if you can learn some codes you can build it too, you can discuss technically aspects of your project with your coworkes and develop a new solution.
That kind of skills are totally necessary these days (in my opinion), because the world spins too fast and the age of “one task guy” is over. We need more multi-task professionals to do more.
So you can start watching some youtube videos, signing up e-learning platforms and (obviously) talking with a dev.